Special Needs Tissue
The Special Needs Tissue consists of Care Net, Friends for Life, Kindred Hospice, and Arc of McLennan County.
care net
We perform anything from organizing supplies, making patient folders, cleaning, to paperwork—anything the staff needs! Plus, you can interact with babies!
**An application and background check are required for all volunteers.
Volunteering times:
Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Cell Leader: Miriam Budithi and Nadia Buluwa
Friends for life
Friends For Life is an adult daycare for residents with intellectual disabilities that allows members to connect and play games with those who are often overlooked by society. It focuses on improving the quality of life for seniors and people with disabilities, particularly those who are without family to care for them.
**A zoom orientation (30 minutes) is required
Monday to Friday 8 AM to 5 PM
Weekends vary
Cell Leaders: Brooke Eischen and Arianna Holmes
GenTiva hospice
At Kindred Hospice, we volunteer by spending time with patients who are in the last stages of life due to ailments and make their time a little easier! This cell creates a great opportunity to gain clinical volunteering experience.
**Orientation and background check are required
Weekdays, 9 - 5 pm (but highly flexible depending on the patient)
Weekends by appointment
Cell Leaders: Brandon Lorenzana
Arc of Mclennan County - ON HOLD
At The Arc of McLennan County, volunteers will be assisting residents with intellectual disabilities with daily activities.
**Need to complete an application form (https://wacoarc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/VolunteerApplication.pdf) and email it to cheaton@mygrande.net as well as complete a fingerprinting. Orientation will also be required.
Volunteering times:
Adult Care Program: Monday - Friday, 10am-3pm
Kids After School Program: Monday - Friday, 3:30-5:30pm
Cell Leaders: Anika Dachiraju and Josh Sun