Poverty Relief Tissue
The Poverty Relief Tissue consists of Compassion Waco, Salvation Army Thrift Store, and Habitat for Humanity.
Salvation Army Thrift Store
The Salvation Army Thrift Store exists to provide reduced price, high-quality donations to members of the community. Volunteering at the thrift store would include sorting and organizing donations, interacting with customers, and different tasks throughout the retail location! This is the perfect cell for those who want a leisurely paced activity that has an immediate impact on the community!
**Sign in at the front desk of the store. Fill out an application and waiver found in the back side of the register counter.
Volunteering times:
Monday-Saturday anytime from 9am - 5pm
Cell Leaders: Michelle Nwadilobi
Compassion ministries of waco - ON HOLD
The goal of Compassion is to reintegrate homeless families with children and those families on the verge of homelessness into permanent housing and employment. To reach that goal, Compassion provides needed services for residents while living in our transitional housing facility, both in-house and in conjunction with local agencies currently providing services
**Need to fill out volunteer application and a copy of their identification
Volunteer Times:
First Monday of the Month (5-7:30)
Every Thursday 5-6:30
Cell Leader: Tanish Raina
Habitat for humanity
Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit housing organization working with Waco families in need of affordable homes.
Construction Volunteer times will be posted in our GroupMe on a changing, weekly basis.
Restore volunteering times:
Wednesday-Saturday, 10 am-12 pm
Wednesday-Friday, 1pm-5pm
Saturday, 1 pm-3 pm
Cell Leaders: Kayla Nguyen and Aiden Grizzard